Why do Clients choose us?The simple answer is that buying a poultry farm is "different" from purchasing any other real estate investment so you need a "different" type of advisor that is an expert in poultry farm sales.
So what makes us "different"?1. First, we know our numbers when it comes to poultry farms.
A. We understand poultry farm financing and what terms buyers are looking for. This allows us to close deals that other agents didn't even know were possible. B. We understand how to assess the value of a poultry farm which is calculated much differently than most any other type of real estate. C. We are familiar with the formulas unique to the poultry industry which allow us to help estimate income and expenses. 2. We know who to contact to assist buyers with getting a contract with the "Integrators". 3. We understand how supply and demand affects the industry so it allows us to make clients aware of some of the potential obstacles that may occur during or even after the purchase. 4. We have experience in the construction industry so we can be an additional resource with pointing out items on the dwelling and other improvements located on the premises. 5. We've owned a variety of businesses and investment properties so we can relate to buyers and sellers and understand the process, the mindset, and even the stress that goes along with buying and selling. 6. There are a lot of specific details involved in the negotiation process for a poultry farm. We have bought and sold hundreds of investment properties for our own account as well as many more as an agent for others so we understand the negotiation process first hand. 7. Finally, in addition to all of the life experiences that make us uniquely equipped to assist with your real estate needs, the most important reason to remember is that we truly care about helping people accomplish their goals! While we understand that having the knowledge to assist you is vital, we also realize that what you will remember long after the transaction is over is how we made you feel throughout the process! Therefore, our goal is to make sure that the relationship we build with you is long term, long lasting, and one that continues long after this transaction is complete! Please fill out our contact form by clicking the Contact Us button below. |